Friday, May 30, 2014

20 Steps To Get The Life You Want

I often get asked...How Do I Find Balance In My Business and Personal Life? I tell them a life that has meaning and is fulfilling can happen for you. What does it take? It takes time, self-knowledge, a plan and some hard work.
Here is the good news! The work will not be as difficult as you think. Why.... Because when you are doing what makes you happy... you feel this is what you were meant to do.
To get you started below is twenty-steps to help you to build your plan. These are the steps that will set you on your path to a life you want.
Taking the time to do this will help you reach the life you want a lot quicker than just allowing life to take you where it will.
Take a deep breath and get started.
Step 1: Find the purpose for your life.
Step 2: Develop a daily spiritual practice.
Step 3: Determine what is most important to you.
Step 4: Align your new goals around what is most important.
Step 5: Have a healthy perspective of yourself.
Step 6: Replace old beliefs that are no longer useful to you.
Step 7: Create new possibilities for your life.
Step 8: Figure out who you want to be when you grow up.
Step 9: Practice living the life you want now.
Step 10: Figure out what you are passionate about.
Step 11: Align your abilities and your interests.
Step 12: What would a perfect work day be for you?
Step 13: Write your autobiography five years from today.
Step 14: Downscale your lifestyle now to create the opportunities that you seek.
Step 15: Strengthen your relationships and support systems.
Step 16: Grow strong emotionally
Step 17: Give yourself permission to follow your heart.
Step 18: Laugh a lot and enjoy the ride
Step 19: Live with integrity as a path towards an authentic life.
Step 20: Eat well, exercise and get plenty of sleep.
O.K. I know this is a big list. Here is what you can do to take action. Circle the top 3 that call to you. Now focus only on one of the three. Next write down the answers to these question for the one step you circled.
If you were doing this...(insert the step you circled)
  • What would be different?
  • Who would be there with you?
  • Where would you be?
  • What would you be doing?

Next, write down 3 tasks that you can do today to get what you wrote down accomplished.
Once you accomplished these tasks write down three more until you are living your dream.
Here is the bottom have a take action or not to take action...both are decisions but one of them has a better payoff. Which do you choose?
When You Change Your Mindset...You Change Your Results,

Monday, May 19, 2014

Use Your Mind to Increase Business Success

If your business isn't as successful as you want, the question is...what's holding you back? 

You might say it's because:
I need more capital
I need *great* employees
I don’t have time
I don’t have ... whatever...

But this is not what causes your lack of business success. These maybe reasons or even excuses - these are all part of a bigger problem ... your thoughts.

A Buddhist proverb states, "Thoughts are things. As you think, so you become." 

In other words, if you're thinking, 
"I wish I had sales like him," have put yourself in the state of mind of wishing - not having. 
If you say, "I'm trying to increase sales," have put yourself in the state of mind of trying - not doing. 
If you say, "I increase my sales 10% every month," have put yourself in the state of mind of doing and having!

Do you see the difference? Trying and wishing are tasks that never get completed because your focus is not on achievement. It's on "trying" to achieve. When you use "I increase..."  this is in the “now” tense and has action. It's doing and having.

Changing your thought patterns must be repetitive to be effective. You just can't change your mind once and expect permanent results. Here is what you can do to make “changes” that will last.

Napoleon Hill discovered a common pattern among the most successful people. To be a success at anything in this world, you need...desire, belief and action. 

If you lack the desire or the worries. Napoleon Hill discovered these attributes can be learned through what he called “Auto Suggestion” this became what we call today “Affirmations.”

Affirmations are very effective and you must be careful which words you choose. These words are literally giving yourself new thoughts to run your life. 

Affirmations need to be written as a positive, present-tense, action-oriented statement. For example, if you're writing for self-confidence, you might state: "I take action everyday.  Napoleon Hill suggests you read your affirmations aloud once in the morning and once at night until you feel, believe and live your affirmations. The down side is most people get bored and quit before they experience any real results. 

Here is a way to make affirmations work for you. In fact,...Affirmations will not work without ACTION. This is the second half and most people miss it. When you write down your affirmation also write the action you will take.

Success is the way you think about things and the words you choose. Dr. Wayne Dyer says, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." This means you have to alter your perceptions, thoughts and words. If done correctly, the results will be business success. 

Change your Mindset and Change your Result,


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Strategies that Help Improve your Professional and Personal Life

Setting up strategies to improve your professional and personal life is only one step to achieve your goals. You have to create plans, goals and take the steps to follow through. Once you have your details gathered, you can start to set up strategies. 

How to plan long-term strategies: 

Strategies are approaches we take to reach our plans. Our line of attack determines what comes of these plans and goals. When you create long-term goals, you have to provide descriptions, which leads up to using strategies to achieve. 

You also have to state what goals you intend to achieve when you create your plans and set the strategies to achieve them. Keep in mind that goals are changes you are willing to make to accomplish something. 

The goals should be translated so that it develops into a real action. When you take action, you are working toward the next step to recall your measurements, values, and the difference between each. This helps you to stay in accord with your goals and plans. 

Sometimes you have to work backwards to accomplish your goals. Sometimes you have to step back to view your goals, making sure that your strategies are working in accord with your actions. 

When you see that your actions are not working, this is when you want to step back and say, I need to make changes. You will change your strategies to work in harmony with your goals. 

You should already have your plans written down on paper. If you haven’t started now is the time to write your plans. 

Once you have your plans down you can boost your energies so that you have the willingness to act out on your plans. If your plan is lacking in some areas, do not worry. Take it one step at a time and act on the plans you have written down. You can add to your plans later. 

How to start planning: 

If you haven’t started the process of planning, speak to yourself. Just start talking about what you want to accomplish in your life. Once you begin, speaking you will develop new ideas, which you can write down on paper. 

During your self-talk arrangement, be sure to take notes. Remembering specific details is a way to recall what you want to do. Some of us fail to take notes, which information drifts away. Instead write your plans down on paper. 

How to write long-term goals: 

You want to write you long-term goals focusing on your short-term goals first. Your short-term goals should work in harmony with your long-term goals. You can write a daily schedule that builds up to our plans and goals. For instances, this week on Monday through Sunday I intend to do: Write down each day what you intend to accomplish on your calendar or schedule. 

In your plan or calendar note the things, you intend to make essential first. 

Then work toward taking down your tasks. For instance, on Tuesday start working through the large jobs first and break down to the simple tasks as you move along. On the third day, write yourself an intention declaration. Use 3x5 note cards to tell you what you intend to do. Once you finish, your duties offer yourself a reward each time you accomplish your intentions. The other gift is you begin to see the stack of cards move from the plan side to the done stack.

Next tell your friends and family what you intend to do for your future. Ask your friends and family if they can give you a hand from time to time when they see you failing. Tell your friends and family to offer you a pat on the back, or some reward for each time you accomplish your plans and goals. 

Take action and start your planning your success!

Be the Difference,
