Monday, August 25, 2014

Are You Stuck In The Comfort Zone?

Have you ever been stuck in the comfort zone? We all have at one or another in our life. One of the people I coach as part of my mastermind group asked me; " How can I get out of my comfort zone?" I told him to answer these seven questions.
1) What do I really want?
Interesting, to know we rarely take time to figure this out. What do you really want to do with your life.  Figure out what you enjoy doing and be the you that you want to be.
2) Do I really want to change?
Asking yourself this question will help you decide if you are already doing something that you do well and enjoy.  Maybe you just aren't focused on a part of your life that you'd like to see grow.
3) What's the positive intent?
With so much happening around us we think there is no room for even considering  there might be light at the end of the tunnel. Look for the positive intent and by the way there is always one...if you allow yourself to find it. 
4) Am I OK with what I'm doing?
Sometimes we end doing something for someone else and not for ourselves. Are you trying to please them or yourself?  
5) Am I happy where I am right now?
If the answer is yes, then grab onto this and be the best you can be.  
6) How much could I have?
Here is what I want to say to you...Be a pig! Because in this case there is no such thing as having too much or too little, but it's more about on how much you want it. 
7) What motivates me?
What motivates you? I cannot nor can anyone else motivate you. It's an answer you have to discover for yourself. 
Seek and you will find the answer in has always been there...waiting for the opportunity to answer...when asked. 
Go ahead...ask.
 Remember When You Change Your Mindset...You Change Your Results!

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